WIC Program Operations During COVID-19 Outbreak
To support our families during the COVID-19 outbreak, WIC services are being offered over the phone. If you have a scheduled appointment, a WIC staff will contact you to conduct your appointment over the phone, make your WIC benefits available and schedule your next WIC appointment.
If you are interested in receiving WIC services, fill out the WIC Interest Form on the Oregon WIC website, https://www.oregon.gov/oha/ph/HealthyPeopleFamilies/WIC/Pages/index.aspx, email WIC at WIC@chw.coos.or.us or call 541-266-6705 and our team will contact you as soon as possible.
For questions regarding COVID-19 and the most up to date guidance, please email covid19.questions@chw.coos.or.us or visit our COVID-19 page on our website.
WIC en el Condado de Coos
Para apoyar a nuestras familias durante la propagación del Virus Corona-19, servicios de WIC están siendo ofrecidos vía telefónica. Si usted tiene una cita programada, personal del WIC lo estará llamando para hacer su cita por teléfono, darle sus beneficios y programar su siguiente cita.
Si usted está interesado en recibir servicios del WIC, llena la forma de interés del WIC en la página web de WIC en Oregon https://www.oregon.gov/oha/ph/HealthyPeopleFamilies/WIC/Pages/index.aspx envié un correo a WIC@chw.coos.or.us o llame al 541-266-6705 y lo llamaremos en cuanto nos sea posible.
Si tiene preguntas sobre COVID-19 y la guía más actualizada, envíe un correo electrónico: covid19.questions@chw.coos.or.us o visite nuestro sitio web COVID-19 page.
Eric Gleason, MS, DBH
Health Care Integration & Promotion Director /
Public Information Officer
281 LaClair Street Coos Bay, OR 97420
541-266-6741 | eric.gleason@chw.coos.or.us
Crisis Line: 541-266-6800
Coos County is an Affirmative Action/EEO | TTY Relay: 7-1-1