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2019 Breastfeeding Campaign

The goal of the 2019 Breastfeeding Campaign is to increase the number of people who understand the importance of breastfeeding and provide these people with ways they can support a breastfeeding mom.

To enable English or Spanish subtitles, please view the videos in full screen.

How Can Your Child Care Provider Support Breastfeeding Moms?

Know Your Breastfeeding Rights!

Ways Providers Can Help During Your Breastfeeding Journey

How Dads & Partners Can Support Breastfeeding Moms

Are You a Breastfeeding-Friendly Employer?

Normalize Breastfeeding

For Moms and Families

How Tos and Tips

Coos County Breastfeeding Basics Booklet
The booklet includes information on latching, storing milk, local resources, and more! The Breastfeeding Basics booklet is now offered in Spanish!

Return to Work

Coos County Breastfeeding Friendly Workplace Toolkit
This toolkit includes education on the breastfeeding benefits for employers, tools and guidance on how to become a breastfeeding friendly workplace, information about current laws, and other related information.”

For Employers: Lactation Support Policy Creation

On page 14 of the Toolkit below, you will find a user-friendly template to guide you in creating a Lactation Support Policy for your business. The creation of this policy will help your business gain compliance with the Fair Labor Standards Act (ORS 653.077) that requires employers to provide reasonable break times and a designated space for an employee to express milk.

If you have any questions or need assistance in creating your policy click HERE

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