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Now see health department inspection reports online…

The Oregon Health Authority has launched a new web portal that will allow people to find inspection reports for facilities like restaurants, swimming pools and hotels.

“For the first time people can get inspection results for every licensed facility in the state,” said David Martin, Foodborne Illness Prevention Program coordinator at the OHA Public Health Division. “It will also give us improved data we will use to address risk factors that can lead to illness or injury.”

The portal is provided as part of a software update to the statewide licensing and inspection system. This updated system will also collect inspection data in a way that will help the OHA and county health departments see violation trends.

Reports of inspections conducted by Coos Health & Wellness can be found by going here:

The site shows semi-annual and annual routine inspections as well as reinspections. Going forward all 2018 inspections will be available along with many reports from 2017. There is a 14-day lag from the inspection date until it is shown on the site.

Inspections are unannounced and focus on items most likely to cause illness or injury to facility patrons, but also include items such as general maintenance. A reinspection is planned when a priority issue cannot be immediately resolved in a satisfactory way. In a food service facility, there is a focus on safe food, cooking and holding temperatures of food, personal hygiene of workers and cleanliness of equipment. For a public pool, emphasis is on proper disinfection, water clarity, entrapment concerns and enclosure security. Tourist facilities are evaluated for safety and general sanitation. Inspectors for Coos Health & Wellness completed approximately 1,000 such inspections last year.

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