Temporary food service operations include any food service establishment which operates at the same location in conjunction with a fair, carnival, circus, sidewalk cart, or similar public event.
For-Profit Individuals or groups planning to provide food at an event must first obtain a temporary restaurant license. The Oregon Revised Statutes (ORS 624.086) require each food booth in operation during an event to have its own separate license. A license is only valid for the specific event, and must be clearly posted.
Under Oregon law there are 3 types of temporary restaurant licenses. Two types of licenses are for longer periods of time, and also require an operation plan review.
Benevolent and Government Groups have the option to register their event with the local Health Department. Read the following to determine which license type will fit the event(s) for your intended food service.

1. Single Event License For Profit
License time period: Usually less than a week, but as brief as one meal.
Location: May vary with each application.
Menu: May vary with each application.
Operation plan review: Not required.
Examples: The fair, a carnival, or a weekend street festival.
2. Single Event Benevolent or Government Registry
Why Register? It shows the community that you had the opportunity to review food safety material
3. Seasonal Temporary License – 90 days
License time period: Up to 90 days.
Location: The same specific place.
Community Event is ongoing (sponsored by one over-sight organization)
Menu: Must remain the same.
Operation plan review: Required.
Examples: School sport concession, weekly farmer’s market.
4. Intermittent Temporary License – 30 days
License time period: up to 30 days.
Location: The same specific place. There may be multiple public events (with one or more oversight organizations).
Menu: Must remain the same.
Operation plan review: Required.
Example: Within 30 days (1) The Lapidary Society hosts a rock show at the city park and contracts with a food vendor to use the pavilion for concessions and (2) The Kennel Club hosts a dog show using the same park facilities and the same food vendor for concessions.
A For-Profit Temporary Restaurant application will receive a discount on the license fee if the application is received or postmarked as least 10 days in advance of intended operation.