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Food Handler Training & Testing

Food Handlers Certification | Coos Health & Wellness

Food workers are required to obtain a food handler card within 30 days of beginning work in a food service establishment. Food handler cards issued in any Oregon county are valid anywhere in Oregon. The cards are valid for three years. If you have a valid food manager training certificate, it is accepted in lieu of a food handler card. Food handler cards issued in other states are not valid in Oregon.

IMPORTANT: Prepare for your test by reading “Food Safety Your Self-Training Manual.” The book is available to check out at your local public library or online. An Audio version is also available for loan. Call 541-266-6720 for details. Click here to access “Food Safety Your Self-Training Manual” online.


You have three options for testing. You may test online immediately, come into our office to test, or attend one of our training classes and test following the class.

To Test Online:

You can take the food handler’s test online at anytime. You must have a credit card to pay for the card after passing the test and a printer available at the same time in order to print your card.

Prepare for your test by reading – “Food Safety Your Self-Training Manual”. The book is available to check out at your local public library or online. An Audio version is also available for loan. Call 541-266.6720 for details. You can test online now, come into our office to test, or attend one of our training classes and test following the class. You can take the food handler’s test online at anytime. You must have a printer and credit card to take this test.

In-Office Test Location:
Coos Health & Wellness
281 LaClair St Coos Bay OR 97420

Testing Hours: 8 am to 11:00 am each Wednesday

Cost: $10.00 cash, check, and credit/debit cards are accepted. BRING PHOTO ID.

Food Handlers Classes:
Food Handlers training offered by Coos County Public Health as required by Oregon Law. Testing is held at the end of the class. Those who pass the test and pay the $10.00 required fee to Coos County Public Health will be issued a Food Handler Card.

Download: 2018 Food Handler Class Schedule

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