If you are interested in receiving WIC services fill out the WIC Interest Form on the top of this page. Email the application to our WIC email at WIC@chw.coos.or.us or mail it to 281 LaClair St. Coos Bay, OR 97420 or drop it off at Coos Health and Wellness front desk. Please call 541-266-6705 if you have any questions and our team will be in contact in the next couple of days.
Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Program
WIC is the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children. It is designed to help families improve their health outcomes. Nutrition education, healthy foods, breastfeeding promotion and support, and referral services are the key benefits of the WIC Program. Nutrition education is designed to assist participants in identifying behavior changes that may have a positive impact on their health and the health of their families for the rest of their lives.
WIC also provides consults with a nutritionist and breastfeeding support. Call 541-266-6705 to determine income eligibility and make an appointment. Use this number for canceling an appointment, transfer or address change, and questions about breastfeeding or formula. If you wish to have your call returned, please leave your name, phone number, and WIC ID number. We also can be reached by text or email at WIC@chw.coos.or.us
Dental screenings occur every quarter. Please call 541-266-6700 to inquire about dental screening dates and times.
To ensure effective communication, Public Health will make interpreters available at no cost to you for WIC services. Let us know if you need assistance with communication due to hearing, vision and/or speech impairments, or if you want to communicate in a language other than English. Handicapped accessible entry is located on the east side of the building (back entry). Please let us know if you need special accommodations.
WIC Farm Direct Nutrition Program
The WIC program will offer to WIC eligible participants the Farm Direct Nutrition Program checks from June to September every year. Call your Coos County WIC office for more details on how to sign up at: 541-266-6705.