Vaccines are the best health care bargain available!
For more information on specific vaccines go to
Babies and young children are vulnerable to diseases, which can cause death and disability. Vaccines can protect against many childhood diseases, such as chicken pox, mumps, whooping cough, polio, measles, and many others. Vaccines should be given to children on the recommended schedule (catch up immunization schedule) so that infants and children are protected as early as possible.
Shots are required by law for children to attend public and private schools, preschools, child care facilities, and Head Start programs. For more information, see the Parent FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) on the state website. In special cases (due to spiritual and/or cultural reasons), parents and/or college students may apply for a Nonmedical Vaccine Exemption. For more information, please visit this link: Nonmedical Vaccine Exemptions
For more information about individual vaccinations, please visit this link: Vaccination Information Statements

Immunization Clinic Services
The Coos County Public Health Clinic provide:
- Seasonal Flu Shots for those who are 6 Months & Older
- All Infant and Childhood Vaccines, from Birth through the Teen years
- Adult Vaccinations
- Some traveler’s Immunizations (click here for CDC Fact Sheet)
- Occupational Health – Hepatitis B and A
Call for Appointments, Monday through Friday. 541-266-6700
Drop-in appointments may be available, but not every day.

Cost of Immunizations
Charges for immunizations are based on the cost we pay for the vaccine and an administration fee. Costs for adult immunizations vary. See our fees for more information or contact our billing office at 541-751-2432.
We are a Vaccines for Children (VFC) provider. No one will be denied state supplied vaccines due to the inability to pay.
We participate in the Shots for Tots and Teens program, sponsored by the Coos Bay-North Bend Rotary Club and Bay Area Hospital, which provides vouchers for those with no health insurances or have high deductibles.
We can bill Oregon Health Plan, and some insurance companies, such as Regency Blue Cross.