Public Health at Coos Health & Wellness informs and protects our local communities from diseases, ensures local restaurants, pools, and other facilities are safe for public use, as well as provides dental checkups, immunization programs, and other preventative services.
Disease reporting, animal bites and rabies, sexually transmitted disease exams and treatment, tuberculosis testing and case management, other communicable disease tests.
Food handlers certification, ServSafe registration, food safety and licensing, childcare facilities, water quality, pools and lodging, vacation rentals, inspection reports.
Services and resources to support overall well being including Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) services, Home Visiting, tobacco prevention and education, breastfeeding support.
Affordable and confidential clinical services including immunizations, WIC, and Oregon Health Plan assistance.
Find information and resources about managing emergencies, personal preparedness, training, classes, and events, Business Continuity Planning (BCP), Medical Reserve Corps.
Information and fact sheets about measles, mold, air quality, wildfires, Reproductive Health Equity Act, Tenmile Lakes water sampling, lead in school, Zika.
Community Health Assessments, Plans, and Infographics, Community Health Improvement Plan, Coos Health & Wellness strategic plan, county and state health data.
Find Coos Health & Wellness Public Health annual reports dated as early as 2003-2004.
Search for resources available in our local communities.
Request and pay for a birth or death certificate, Request for Medical Records Release form.
Factors like income, education, where you live, and what resources are readily available have a direct impact on health. When these conditions occur unevenly, leading to persistent poor health in specific populations, this is considered a health inequity.
The Coos County Friends of Public Health (CCFoPH) is a non-profit 501c3 organization supporting services to people in our community through Coos Health & Wellness.
What is Public Health?

Coos County Public Health does not discriminate against any person on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, gender, religion, marital status, sexual orientation or disability in the admission to or participation of its programs, services, or activities, or in employment. For further information regarding this non-discrimination policy, contact Coos County Human Resources at: 541-396-7580.