Tobacco Cessation Resources
The Oregon Tobacco Quit Line helps you create a quit plan to get ready, take action and live tobacco-free. Quit Coaches, many of whom are former smokers, never pressure you to quit before you’re ready.
This is Quitting is a text-based program designed for teens and young adults up to age 24. It’s an easy, opt-out program and also has support for those not yet ready to quit.
Tobacco Retailer License Information
Oregon’s new Tobacco retailer license law will help to prevent sales to youth. Coos County currently has one of the highest rates of youth nicotine use across the state, exceeding 45% of 11th graders (source)
Although there are many ways that youth access tobacco, about 30% of 11th graders reported purchasing from a store.
When and how do I apply for the license from the Department of Revenue?
The license requirement begins January 1, 2022. This applies to all retailers of tobacco products or inhalant delivery systems located in those jurisdictions in which the state license applies.
The license application will be completed and submitted electronically through Revenue Online.
Businesses with multiple locations under the same Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN) will be able to submit one application for all locations in jurisdictions where the state license applies. A license fee will apply to each location on the application.
You will renew the tobacco retail license annually.For more information on how to apply for a Tobacco Retail License, please review the Tobacco Retail License Filing Instructions.
Tobacco Retailer License Fact Sheet
Tobacco Retailer License FAQ’s
Tobacco retailer training and other resources

Coos County’s Tobacco Prevention and Education Program (TPEP) works with community partners to:
- Prevent and reduce tobacco use
- Promote smoke-free environments and communities
- Reduce the influence of tobacco product marketing
- Encourage tobacco users to quit
Tobacco Prevention and Education Program Report
Smokefree Oregon Coos County Tobacco Fact Sheet
View the 2019 Coos County Tobacco Fact Sheet on Smokefree Oregon’s website.
Laws on Sale of Tobacco and Inhalant Delivery Systems
Businesses that sell tobacco products and inhalant delivery systems in Oregon are responsible for complying with Oregon laws.
Reporting Violations
See a violation? Report it. Reports can be made anonymously
FDA violations, including flavored cigarette sales, free samples, self-service, pack size, and marketing violations may be reported here:
Oregon law violations, including sales to persons under 21 years of age, may be reported here: or 971-673-0984.
Indoor Clean Air Act (ICAA)
The Oregon Indoor Clean Air Act, also known as the Smokefree Workplace Law, is a measure passed in 1981 by the US State of Oregon prohibiting smoking in public indoor places except in certain designated smoking areas. The objective is to protect non-smokers in confined areas from second-hand smoke.
For a more complete understanding of Oregon’s law please read this article.
The ICAA is a public complaint driven law. Enforcement only happens when complaints are submitted by the public. Click the button below to file a complaint.
To see results of complaints in Coos County you can see the Coos County ICAA Annual Report:
Cessation Services
The TPEP program is not directly involved in providing tobacco cessation service but works to help promote locally available cessation resources.
The Oregon Tobacco Quiltine offers free friendly and confidential coaching. You can reach an intake specialist by calling 1-800-Quit-Now or got to
There are local resource for tobacco cessation also you can see some of these here.
Smoke and Tobacco Free Environments in Coos County
Coos County properties became tobacco free in October 2015.
North Bend City Park placed no smoking signs around children’s play areas in December 2017.
Bay Area Hospital became a tobacco free property in January of 2013.
Waterfall clinic adopted a tobacco free property policy in December of 2014.
Advanced Health adopted a tobacco free properties policy in January of 2013.
The City of Coos Bay became a smoke free property for all city owned properties including parks in December 2016.
The City of Bandon has tobacco free properties including parks since December 2008.
Coos County Smoking and Tobacco Policy
The Coos County Smoking and Tobacco Policy applies to all Coos County property, including the Coos Health & Wellness campus. Please read the Coos County Smoking and Tobacco Policy on the Coos County website to learn more. It’s located under Coos County Rules (found on the left sidebar on the home page), Chapter 2, Division 100.