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COVID-19 Situation Status Report – March 30, 2020


Summary as of: March 30, 2020 at 4:00 pm

Coos County Testing Data

Total tested187

COVID-19 Updates for Today

  • At this time, Coos County Public Health knows of 187 COVID-19 tests that have been administered to county residents. 23 of these tests are pending results and 164 are negative.
  • Availability of tests sample kits is still low and testing is being prioritized for people with more severe symptoms and/or a known exposure.
  • Oregon Health Authority has reported 606 positive cases of COVID-19 in Oregon, as well as 16 deaths to date.
  • As of March 30th 2020, the CDC reported 140,904 total cases, 2,405 total deaths, and 50 states, District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, Guam, and US Virgin Islands reporting cases.
  • As of March 30th, the World Health Organization reported 693,224 confirmed cases (58,411 new cases) and 33,106 deaths (3,215 new deaths).
  • Stay home, save lives: executive order
  • Next virtual town hall is scheduled for 3.31.2020. You can listen to it live on Facebook, or listen to it after the fact. Check out the Coos Health & Wellness Facebook event page:
  • All questions are of value, so do not hesitate to ask via our specific email:
  • The next COVID-19 situation update will be sent on March 31, 2020. We are not sending out updates on the weekend because official counts from CDC are only updated on Mondays through Fridays.

Coos County Public Health Response to Date

We continue to work closely with local schools, healthcare providers, emergency services, cities, businesses, and others to coordinate efforts and to share the most up-to-date information.

Current update regarding Public Health preparedness and response:

  • Epidemiology: our team is working daily to contact people who have been tested in the community, take preliminary case investigation steps, and notify folks of their lab results. We also follow-up on leads and/or rumors in order to ensure that we are working all aspects of investigating this disease;
  • Providers and Public calls: our team ensures that questions and concerns from our healthcare providers and community members are answered promptly. These questions are fielded by phone and email for those who use the email address. We are committed to be a resource and source of information to our community;
  • Specific taskforces:
    • Homeless population: the taskforce has been focusing on two main strategies: prevention and response. On the prevention front, a total of 12 handwashing stations have been distributed to a few sites including the Devereux center, the Harmony Church as well as a few food pantry sites throughout the county. We have put together hygiene and education kits who will be distributed to the homeless population this week. On the response side, the taskforce is looking at identifying sites that could be used for isolation and quarantine in case COVID-19 were to hit the homeless community.
    • Hospitals and clinics for surge capacity: This taskforce has been working on being creative in how it supplies for personal protective equipment (PPE) and is actively looking at planning and preparedness for hospital surge capacity for when COVID-19 comes to the community and starts overwhelming our hospital system. We are also working on ensuring that we have a great partnership and collaboration and can supply each other on an as needed basis for test kits and/or PPE.
    • Elderly and people in poverty: This taskforce is putting a system in place to ensure that people who are elderly, home bound, living with disabilities and in poverty will be taken care of and provided with meals and medication distribution during this pandemic time.
  • Personnel Protective Equipment: the public health team has been placing resource requests through the Oregon Emergency Management system (Ops Center) to ensure that our community of clinics, hospitals, first responders, and law enforcement are supplies with additional PPOE from the Oregon and national stockpile. We are also working with the hospitals and a lot of volunteers in the community to put together sewn masks that could be used by health care professional as needed.
  • Public information and education: Our team is working hard to ensure that our website and social media have the latest updates and information regarding COVID-19 and has put various types of materials online to ensure that we can all learn based on our media preferences. The Public Information Team helps us set up a virtual town hall every Tuesdays from 5:30 to 6:30 pm. The town hall has been hosted on Facebook at this time. We also are holding press briefings 3 times a week to ensure that our media can get their questions answered and have the latest information we have available to offer.
  • Volunteer coordination and management: There has been a tremendous ask from community members to volunteer with the response at this time and we have two staff members dedicated to ensuring volunteers are identified and communicated with. Some volunteers are helping with putting kits together, others are screening at the doors at Coos Health & Wellness, others are writing grants and advocating to the legislator for more support and funding to our local public health response etc.
  • If you have questions, suggestions, concerns, do not hesitate to contact us at:

COVID-19 Situation in Oregon

Oregon Health Authority Situation in Oregon – COVID-19

Additional Information and Resources

Visit our COVID-19 page at: or email us at

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