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With few exceptions, individuals must agree to receive care as indicated by their signature on a written consent form at the initiation of care. This consent also requires that we provide information to individuals regarding treatment options, the specifics of the services they receive including expected outcomes and possible risks and benefits.

This informational aspect should be ongoing throughout the course of care and should routinely direct the development of all Service and care plans.  Individuals should actively participate in the development of a written Service Plan and have a copy for their own use.

Client Consent to treatment (Form 08c)

Special Considerations for Minors

The treatment of minors involves special considerations.  Some of these considerations relate to the fact that parents and others may serve as the personal representative for the minor child.  Often too, there may be two parents or individuals with complimentary or competing rights to consent to treatment, access records and authorize disclosures for a child.  Additionally, older children can have an independent right to consent to treatment, to authorize and prevent disclosures. The Oregon Health Authority has authored general guidelines which may be helpful: Minor Rights: Access and Consent to Health Care.

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