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CHW promotes individual and community efforts for those with mental illness to take an increased direction for their own care and recognizes that peer directed services and supports has significant impact and benefit for many individuals. One such effort involves SHAMA House. From their site:

Our Clubhouse, known as the SHAMA House (Self Help and Mutual Aid), is a self-directed program. SHAMA members take an active role in the organizing, operation and governance of the project. Designed around a work-ordered day, each morning begins with a member planning meeting.

Four intentional messages are strongly delivered in the SHAMA Clubhouse. This is a Club that belongs to those who give it energy. Membership, as opposed to patient status, is regarded as an enabling designation that creates a sense of belonging and ownership. All members are made to feel that their presence is expected daily. The programs are set up so that members are wanted and needed to help run them. Mutual support and caring for each other is the underlying concept that pulls the program together.

Referral forms are available on the Shared drive SHAMA Clubhouse Referral Form. There are no specific eligibility requirements. SHAMA generally asks that an individual be recommended to them by a clinician or other health provider. Acceptance to SHAMA house is dictated by vote from the membership. Contact Cathy Pennington: 541-756-2057.

CHW also supports a consumer led advocacy group (CAOS – Consumer Advocates for Optimal Service) which operates as the advisory group to the CHW Director. Meetings are held weekly on Tuesdays from 12-1pm at 281 LaClair St., Coos Bay. All individuals identifying as mental health consumers are welcome. Contact Jamilah Mooney, Quality Manager, at 541-266-6767 or for more information.

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